Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Business Profitability

Business Profitability

I have found there is a big difference in Business Profitability when talking about a traditional business as opposed to a home based business. So lets talk Business Profitability for a home based business.

With the economy in the shape it is, doesn't matter where you are in the world, the need for Business Profitability has never been greater.

So many home based business owners work hard - really hard - just to break even or keep afloat. Each one of us deserves reward for our efforts, whether that be financial or personal. The question to ask yourself is whether you are directing your effort in the right places, to get the reward you want? How is your Business Profitability?

Of the businesses I've seen and worked in, there are plenty of ways to mis-spend effort - that is, to work hard - but on the wrong things. This in its self can impact your Business Profitability

For example how are you doing with your marketing? Once you have committed to owning and running a business you must be equally committed to marketing and selling the products and services of that business. To show Business Profitability you must treat your home based business, like a business. It is difficult, if not impossible, to stay and remain profitable without a commitment to ongoing concerted marketing.

To get more out of your marketing, to get Business Profitability create a simple marketing plan that includes marketing activity every day, every week and every month.

This isn't as difficult as some would make you believe. Marketing plans combine formal activities (such as advertising, promotions and writing) with informal activities (such as making new contacts) . Don't underestimate the power of talking to people about what you do. Use every opportunity, every time, and when you do you will see your Business Profitability soar.

Some times you need to think outside the box. For example ….. have you ever considered buying customers to increase your Business Profitability? It works and it works every time.

For more information on increasing your Business Profitability by buying customers click here

Jerry Snyder SEO Consultant
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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Interesting and informative information. Good to know.

I just wanted to share some piece of information which I came across while I was looking to expand and scale up my business. There is this business profitability and scalability calculator which is there on this site Seo Traffic Spider and its really cool. When you enter the data in it in terms of the amount and time you are spending on promoting your website, it calculates the total resources in terms of cost you are accruing for your website promotion.

The best I like about it is that after calculating the result, it gives you a customized less expensive solution based on your data and its really interesting. You can try out this tool and see the results for yourself.